Dog Vaccinations

Dog Vaccinations

Veterinary Care and Dog Vaccinations from a Veterinarian Near You

Is your dog current on their vaccinations? Will you be traveling in the near future? Dog vaccines help protect your pet from serious illnesses — and they’re usually required for pet boarding!

Do you need a veterinarian near you for this service? At Doggie Dude Ranch in Ames, IA, we provide vaccinations and boosters for our canine clients. We’ll go through why these shots are part of veterinary care — and when to have your dog’s updated!

Dog Vaccination

Which Vaccines Do Dogs Need?

Vaccinations fall into two categories — core and non-core. Core vaccines are ones that all puppies and adult dogs should get. And some, like rabies, are required by law or in certain settings.

What about non-core vaccines? These are ones that not all dogs need to get. Your dog may need them, depending on their lifestyle. Boarding places and daycare facilities may require them.

How Often Do Dogs Need to Be Vaccinated?

That depends on your dog’s age and the kind of vaccines they get but it is usually a good idea to get them while your pet is young. After the initial shots, they’ll need booster shots over the next several months.

What about your adult dog? They’ll need them every year if that’s how long their vaccinations are good for. But some types last for a few years. We always let you know when and which shots your dog needs to stay current.

How Do Dog Vaccines Protect My Pet?

They work similar to vaccinations for people. They trigger an immune system response in your dog that targets specific pathogens. Different types of vaccines include:

●             Those with inactive pathogens

●             Those with a weakened form of a pathogen

Are Dog Vaccinations Safe?

Yes! But your dog might have mild side effects after receiving injections. These may include the following:

●             Redness at the injection site

●             Discomfort

●             Lower energy

●             Less appetite

 Have other concerns? We’ll be happy to discuss them with you at your appointment!

Get Veterinary Care, Dog Vaccinations, and Pet Boarding from a Veterinarian Near You

Is it time for your dog’s vaccines to be updated? Our veterinarian near you is here to help! Call (515) 382-1444 for an appointment at Doggie Dude Ranch in Ames, IA, to get veterinary care, dog vaccinations, and pet boarding from our pet care team.

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